A lot more people are familiar and have heard of Sports Massage not only in the Sports community but there is still a big misconception about this treatment. You don't have to be an athlete or even go to the gym to have a sports massage!
Sports Massage is simply a more advanced range of techniques that can be used and applied to really get deep into the muscles and to discover any postural imbalances. Just like having a deep tissue massage but more precise and to the point. In this massage you will find that it probably wont be a full body treatment as the treatment time is dedicated to really treating any existing problem areas or the ones that just creep up on you over night.
What also makes Sports Massage very beneficial is that at the end of the treatment we would also go through a series of stretching and strengthening exercises. These exercises are crucial for your journey to be pain free again. For example; lower back pain can actually stem from having tight thigh muscles as well as weak core muscles so the treatment plan would include massaging the full back, applying pressure over the towel to the buttocks (a lot of tension can be stored here but it is one of the biggest muscle groups in the body!), massaging the front and back of the thighs and passive stretching applied to the legs. End of treatment will include stretches for the whole leg and also core exercises will be demonstrated.
