Who I Am and What I Do
My Massage career started from studying at East Midlands White Rose Beauty College were I found I was very passionate about Body Massage and if I was to work and do something for a living this would be it as it didn’t feel like work at all. I was able to really make a difference for a someone in just in One hour, from my first massage I enjoyed the freedom of working with a body/human form all most like a art canvas as my hands flowed and sculptured with the natural curves and lines of a human being. I enjoy giving somebody the wonderful treat of massage just as much as the client enjoys receiving it. After College I decided to find a place to work but not in a Beauty Spa or Salon as it’s rather restricting in creativity as you have to follow a rather structured massage guideline which would of been so boring doing the same structure every time.
I stumbled across a Traditional Thai Massage Establishment, where I was then trained in Thai Yoga Massage and an Oil adaptation of this treatment. Traditional Thai Yoga Massage took me a very long time to get my head around as there is so much to it so many different techniques, stretches, poses but after a lot of practice with other members of staff and building my repertoire of moves I was confident I had enough knowledge to form a complete treatment. Even though that took me a long time to get my head around the Oil Massage was very natural to me, this is were my knowledge of bodies come from and knowing what feels right and what doesn’t.
Well I was supposed to be doing a Full Body Massage in 60mins but I never actually did complete a full body in that time as it felt so rushed, this is were I started working on people’s problem area’s and they didn’t seem to mind. It was much more beneficial to have these area’s worked on in-depth instead of just floating over the full body and ‘This is Sports Massage in a nut shell- to work on problem areas’.
I worked at this Massage Establishment for 5years on and off (a lot more on then off) and I worked this way 4 days a week 8 hours a day (I have touched a lot of bodies :D). I have worked with all kinds of people from different life backgrounds touched/felt/treated on all different body types and all sorts of issues that have gave me a very good knowledge and understanding on what my hands are looking for. How clients respond to different pressures and techniques even though I am forever learning from one client to the next, I often massage myself in fact to get a better understanding of what my clients are feeling from my treatment. With all this being said each person is unique and will respond very differently to another person but the experience and knowledge I have gathered allows me to have a very good insight on how to work with so many different people and to adjust my technique accordantly to suit the clients needs.
I simply believe clients should have a pleasant experience in whatever Massage Treatment, certainly in Sports Massage with the understanding that everyone feels pain and discomfort differently and we are not all athletes with a high tolerance to pressure even though non athletes can have a high pain tolerance to so what I’m trying to say is every body is unique and shall be treated that way... Uniquely!